Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Looking Bad Can Ruin Your Career

Yes it does. Yes it will. Yes, it can. There are many studies that have found a direct influence on people between physical appearance and income. Hence, better take this clue and shape up. Hai-Hui, an executive coach in Guangxi, China, has this to say, "More often than not it is a person's physical appearance that determines whether he succeeds in the corporate world and climb the so-called corporate ladder quickly. Clothes and appearances really maketh a person". Her solution is overwhelming and effective. It's a total re-make of the person from head to toe. It also involves getting a total new wardrobe that is suitable to the type of career, or in her words - "the position that is desired and so targeted. Dress and look the position. An immediate outcome is that her clients immediately feel more confident as well.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Of Lotteries in Malaysia

Given the national religion is Islam and the fact that under its teachings the act of gambling (speculation bets in the hope of winning, more commonly money), the following can never take place in Malaysia.

Of the many gaming options (except Genting Highlands Casino Resort Royale), the Pan Malaysian Pools (Da Ma Cai) and Berjaya Sports Toto (Duo Duo) also offer lottery draws with prizes amounting to millions of Malaysian Ringgit - the difference is in the latter two which does not allow public screening of the draw taking place; or at least that is what the general public as in I and the rest of the Malaysian population know.

In other countries such as Canada, good ol' USA and even Hong Kong allow public airing of the draws in their respective states. As such there can be less afterthought to whether any rigging or delayed payout was actually done. At these gaming venues we can see Malaysians from all walks of life and culture coming together to partake in this periodic ritual of betting, all hoping that they will be the Lucky One (...or is it the Chosen One?)